The extent to which wheat grain growth is dependent on transport pool solute concentration was investigated by the use of illumination and partial grain removal to vary solute concentrations in the sieve tube and endosperm cavity saps of the wheat ear (Triticum aestivum L.). Shortterm grain growth rates were estimated indirectly from the product of phloem area, sieve tube sap concentration, and 32p translocation velocity. On a per grain basis, calculated rates of mass transport through the peduncle were fairly constant over a substantial range in other transport parameters (i.. velocity, concentration, phloem area, and grain number). The rates were about 40% higher than expected; this probably reflects some unavoidable bias on faster-moving tracer in the velocity estimates. Sieve tube sap concentration increased in all experments (by 20 to 64%) with a concomitant decline in velocity (to as low as 8% of the initial value). Endosperm cavity sucrose concentration also increased in all experiments, but cavity sap osmolality and total amino acid concentration remained nearly constant. No evidence was found for an increase in the rate of mass transport per grain through the peduncle in response to the treatments. This apparent unresponsiveness of grain growth rate to increased cavity sap sucrose concentration conflicts with earlier in vitro endosperm studies showing that sucrose uptake increased with increasing external sucrose concentration up to 150 to 200 millimolar.In a general sense, the rate of transport into growing tissues and storage organs ('sinks') is clearly dependent on the availability of assimilates. In practice, however, the idea of 'assimilate availability' and its relationship to transport rates has been difficult to quantify. In terms of assimilates supplied to sinks by vegetative portions of the plant, an appropriate measure of their availability might be the concentration and composition of organic nutrients in the sieve tube sap, but this information is rarely available, particularly in comparing different treatments. For developing embryos, which must absorb their solutes from an apoplastic space, another measure of assimilate availability might be the concentration ofnutrients in the adjoining apoplast, such as the endosperm cavity sap of cereal grains. These two measures of assimilate availability are presumably related but,