Short communication) I-. AUST, 11. SCHLIEMANN, J. PROLL and G. MIETHPolyester of sucrose and longchain fatty acids (SPE) are prototyps of unabsorbable compounds with fatlike physico-chemical properties [ 1, 21. Their application leads to an increase of fecal cholesterol excretion. which is accompanied by a significant stimulation of the cholesterol synthesis in the liver and partly by a reduction of the lipid level in serum [3,4). SPE are consequently potential substitutes for dietary 1ats in foodstoffs to reduce energy intake and the serum lipid level [5. 61. Earlier animal experiments with 64; '*C-labelled sucrose-octa-palmitate in a semisynthetic diet, however, outlined a very small but not neglectable accumulation raie of lO.-'--lO -5 0 ; in various organs after a feeding time of 7 days or 3 and 6 weeks, respectively [7,8).Because nothing is known about metabolic fate of incorporated SPE the study aimed at the elucidation of the metabolic behaviour of SPE after i.v. injection to mimic a higher accumulation rate.