To optimize the processing of natural gas, accurate thermodynamic data are required. Here, we investigate the quality of the physically based BACKONE equation of state, which requires only 3-5 substance specific parameters for each pure component. For mixtures, only one mixture parameter for each binary and no ternary parameters are required. First, for 23 pure components (including ethylene, propylene, hydrogen sulfide, and water), the BACKONE parameters are given and the quality of the predictions for these 23 substances is described. Some characteristic results for properties such as vapor pressure, bubble and dew point density, as well as densities and caloric data, are presented. Second, for 21 key mixtures, the phase equilibria, densities, and caloric data are considered. Finally, we address liquefaction in three stages, considering vapor compression refrigeration cycles and isenthalpic expansion. By comparison with reference equations of state or experimental data, it turns out that, in all cases, the BACKONE equation yields good to excellent predictions of the thermodynamic properties not only for pure fluids but also for mixed natural gases and processing fluids. As a byproduct, we find better coefficients of performance for the first stage refrigeration cycle for n-butane and isobutane or their mixtures with propane as refrigerants, in comparison with pure propane. † Dedicated to Professor Friedrich Kohler, Ruhr-Universita ¨t Bochum, on the occasion of his 80th birthday.