Objective: Although capnometers are widely used in adult and pediatric intensive care units, they are not widely used in neonatal intensive care units due to issues such as the weight of sensors, dead space, and leakage from tracheal intubation tubes. These authors developed a light and low dead space airway adaptor of end-tidal carbon dioxide pressure (P ET CO 2 ) and evaluated the correlations between P ET CO 2 and partial CO 2 pressure (PaCO 2 ) in rabbits while changing tidal volume and leakage volume. Methods: Firstly, Japanese rabbits weighing 2 kg were divided into three tidal volumes (6 mL/kg, 10 mL/kg, or 15 mL/kg), and P ET CO 2 and PaCO 2 were measured. Secondly, the respiratory apparatus was set to a tidal volume/body weight ratio of 10 mL/kg, leakage rates were divided into seven groups, and P ET CO 2 and PaCO 2 were measured. Results: P ET CO 2 and PaCO 2 were significantly correlated (r 2 = 0.9099, P , 0.0001) when there was no leakage in the tracheal intubation tubes. No significant differences were observed between PaCO 2 and P ET CO 2 (P a-ET CO 2 ) in the three tidal volume/body weight groups or for groups in which leakage rate was ,60%, but significant deviations in P a-ET CO 2 were noted in groups with leakage rate 60%.
Conclusion:There was a strong correlation between P ET CO 2 and PaCO 2 when tidal volume/ body weight ratio was 6-15 mL/kg with leakage rate ,60%. Lightweight mainstream capnometer with a low amount of dead space airway adaptor might be useful in very low birth weight infants with small tidal volume.