UFS); M Occ Ther (UFS) http://orcid.org/0000-0001-9931-6360 Lecturer, Department of Occupational Therapy, University of the Free State Mariette Nel, BA (UFS), BA Hons (UFS), M Med Sc in Biostatistics (UFS) http://orcid.org/0000-0002-3889-0438Lecturer, Department of Biostatistics, University of the Free State have been performed at the knee joint [16][17][18][19][20] . Results from a study 16 that investigated the difference of sensed posture using open kinetic chain and closed kinetic chain (CKC) found a mean error of 5,5 o and concluded that the mean error in sensed posture is less in CKC. Cheuh-Ho Lin et al. 21 proved an insignificant mean error of 0.6 o for sensed posture in healthy ankles. Olson, et al. 15 found that contralateral assessment showed a greater mean error than ipsilateral assessment. Brindle et al. 22 states that visual feedback enhances sensed posture, while Gibson 23 proved vision to be more dominant than touch and proprioception. Far less research evidence is available on sense of position of the shoulder and elbow joints. Correlation between sensed posture position and sensed posture error 12 between shoulder and elbow joint indicates similar errors in sensed posture and further indicate that sensed posture error decreases nearing end-range of motion. King, Harding and Karduna 14 further found no significant differences in sensed posture between left and right upper extremity joints, and proved that the mean error for the shoulder joint was greater than the elbow joint.Unpublished research findings 24 indicate that whole body posture (multi-joint), sense of posture is more accurate in anterior planes than in the lateral planes, and that the number of participants with actual deviation in posture is more than the number of participants who sensed a deviation in their postural alignment.
ABSTRACTIntroduction: Accurate sensing of the body position in space is important for safe and mechanically effective interaction with the environment. Clinical evidence however suggests that a client's sense of postural alignment differs from their actual alignment, which may influence the accuracy of postural repositioning during participation in activities of daily life.Objectives: The aim of this quantitative descriptive study was to investigate the difference between sense and actual postural alignment during sitting and standing positions, with the anatomical landmarks as reference points for measurement from anterior and lateral views.Methods: Ten health care clinics in the Free State towns of Botshabelo and Thaba N'chu, were randomly selected and 95 patients participated in the study. Measurements consisted of (a) a biographical questionnaire, (b) assessment of actual postural alignment, and (c) assessment of sensed postural alignment. Assessment of actual postural alignment was done by using the Photographic Method of Postural Assessment (P-MPA), during which the actual (real) distance on photos was established by calculating the ratio of measured/ real distance x distance from plumb line for each ph...