We demonstrate a method to determine dipole matrix elements by comparing measurements of dispersive and absorptive light ion interactions. We measure the matrix element pertaining to the Ca II H line, i.e. the 4 2 S 1/2 ↔ 4 2 P 1/2 transition of 40 Ca + , for which we find the value 2.8928(43) ea0.Moreover, the method allows us to deduce the lifetime of the 4 2 P 1/2 state to be 6.904(26) ns, which is in agreement with predictions from recent theoretical calculations and resolves a longstanding discrepancy between calculated values and experimental results.PACS numbers: 37.10. Ty, 32.80.Qk, 03.67.Lx Methods for trapping and cooling single or few atoms, molecules or ions and manipulating them at the quantum level have opened up new avenues for precision laser spectroscopy. In particular, quantum logic techniques [1] have enabled a new accuracy regime of timekeeping with optical atomic clocks [2]. In contrast to atomic transition frequencies, dipole matrix elements and radiative lifetimes are still notoriously hard to determine at high accuracy, but are important for the quantification of black body radiation shifts of atomic clocks [3], interpretation of astrophysical spectra [4,5], novel approaches for the search for physics beyond standard model [6,7] and for testing the accuracy of atomic structure calculations [8].Regarding measurements of radiative lifetimes and transition matrix elements, established methods e.g. based on ion beams have been successfully complemented by novel techniques based on trapped particles. For 87 Rb, dipole matrix elements have been determined on the 10 −3 uncertainty level by diffraction in a condensate [9], while for the 6p 2 P o 1/2 state of 174 Yb + , the radiative lifetime has been measured by time-resolved counting of photons emitted from a single trapped ion [10]. A related technique was used for neutral 171 Yb in an optical lattice [11].The species Ca + is widely used in quantum optics experiments, and its II H line led to the discovery of the interstellar medium [12]. For 40 Ca + , branching ratios between different decay channels have been determined at uncertainties approaching the 10 −5 level [13,14], and lifetimes of metastable states have been accurately measured [15]. The radiative lifetime of the 4 2 P 1/2 excited state of 40 In this work, we determine the radiative decay rates and the lifetime of the 4 2 P 1/2 excited state of 40 Ca + together with the dipole matrix element of the 4 2 S 1/2 ↔ 4 2 P 1/2 transition. The cornerstone of our scheme is the comparison between the dispersive and absorptive interactions, which occur upon driving this transition with an off-resonant laser, see Fig. 1. As the method is based on the discrete discrimination of atomic states of a single trapped particle [17,18], it is robust against many systematic error sources which affect other existing methods.The off-resonant laser is characterized by its detuning ∆ from the 4 2 S 1/2 ↔ 4 2 P 1/2 transition, the Rabi frequency Ω and the relative amplitudes q , which characarXiv:1505.025...