Although many programs have been published for fully numerical Hartree-Fock (HF) or density functional (DF) calculations on atoms, we are not aware of any programs that support hybrid DFs, which are popular within the quantum chemistry community due to their better accuracy for many applications, or that can be used toWe present two applications of the novel code. The first application is the calculation of atoms in finite electric fields. Finite electric field calculations allow, for instance, the extraction of atomic static dipole polarizabilities, which are a well-known challenge for theoretical methods [20] and the best values for which have been recently reviewed by Schwerdtfeger and Nagle. [21] Atomic static dipole polarizabilities are related to global softness and the Fukui function. [22] As the molecule with the lowest static dipole polarizability tends to be the chemically most stable, [23][24][25] the accuracy of static dipole polarizabilities can be considered a proxy for thermochemical accuracy. Various density functionals have been shown to outperform HF for molecular static dipole polarizabilities, with hybrid functionals yielding the best results, [26][27][28][29][30] as the error in polarizabilities typically arises from the exchange part. [30] Fully numerical all-electron HF results for atoms [31][32][33][34] and density functional results for molecules [35] have been reported in the literature, whereas post-HF and relativistic DFT results have been calculated using Gaussian basis sets. [36][37][38][39][40] In our application, we study the Li + and Sr 2+ ions with HF and show that we are able to reproduce the fully numerical HF limit values from Ref. [41]. In addition, we report dipole moments and polarizabilities with the LDA, [42][43][44] PBE, [45,46] PBEh, [47,48] TPSS, [49,50] and TPSSh [51] functionals.Our second application is the benchmark of Gaussian basis set energies for a variety of neutral, cationic, and anionic species with HF and the BHHLYP [10] functional. Atomic anions are especially challenging to model with DFT. [52][53][54][55][56] For instance, it has been shown that calculations on the well-bound F − anion may require extremely diffuse basis functions with exponents as small as (!) α = 6.9 × 10 −9 to achieve converged results. [54] The use of such small exponents requires extensive modifications to the used Gaussian-basis quantum chemistry program to ensure sufficient numerical accuracy. [54,56] In contrast, the finite element method (FEM) has none of these issues: because the basis set has local support and is never ill-conditioned, calculations are extremely stable numerically. We will show below that the absolute energies reproduced by the large Gaussian basis set used in Refs. [56,57] are too large by several microhartrees for most systems. The second part of the present series [58] presents analogous applications to diatomic molecules, where the deficiencies of Gaussian basis sets are considerably more noticeable. [6,58] The layout of the article is the following. Next,...