The fast multipole method (FMM) has had great success in reducing the computa-4 tional complexity of solving the boundary integral form of the Helmholtz equation. We present a 5 formulation of the Helmholtz FMM that uses Fourier basis functions rather than spherical harmonics. 6 By modifying the transfer function in the precomputation stage of the FMM, time-critical stages of 7 the algorithm are accelerated by causing the interpolation operators to become straightforward ap-8 plications of fast Fourier transforms, retaining the diagonality of the transfer function, and providing 9 a simplified error analysis. Using Fourier analysis, constructive algorithms are derived to a priori 10 determine an integration quadrature for a given error tolerance. Sharp error bounds are derived and 11 verified numerically. Various optimizations are considered to reduce the number of quadrature points 12 and reduce the cost of computing the transfer function.13