We demonstrate a probabilistic entangling quantum gate between two distant trapped ytterbium ions. The gate is implemented between the hyperfine "clock" state atomic qubits and mediated by the interference of two emitted photons carrying frequency encoded qubits. Heralded by the coincidence detection of these two photons, the gate has an average fidelity of 90 ± 2%. This entangling gate together with single qubit operations is sufficient to generate large entangled cluster states for scalable quantum computing.PACS numbers: 03.67. Bg, 42.50.Ex, 03.67.Pp The conventional model of quantum computing, the quantum circuit model [1,2], consists of unitary quantum gate operations followed by measurements at the end of the computation process to read out the result. An equivalent model of quantum computation, which may prove easier to implement, is the "one-way" quantum computer [3,4,5], where a highly entangled state of a large collection of qubits is prepared and local operations and projective measurements complete the quantum computation.Experiments with entangled photon states have demonstrated basic quantum operations [6,7] for oneway quantum computation. However, these experiments did not use quantum memories, and the photonic cluster states used as the resource for the computation are based on postselection and cannot easily be scaled [8]. In contrast, large entangled states of quantum memories can be generated using a photon-mediated quantum gate where the number of necessary operations asymptotically scales linearly with the number of nodes [9,10,11]. The successful operation of the gate is heralded by the coincidence detection of two photons. Because the entangling gate is mediated by photons, it can in principle be applied to a wide variety of quantum memories such as trapped ions, neutral atoms in cavities, atomic ensembles or quantum dots.In this Letter, we demonstrate this probabilistic, heralded entangling gate for two ytterbium ions confined in two independent traps separated by one meter. The gate is implemented between the long-lived hyperfine "clock" states and mediated by photons carrying frequency encoded qubits. Unlike the recent demonstration of teleportation between two ions [12], here we demonstrate and characterize the gate for arbitrary quantum states of both qubits, as required for scalable quantum computing. We perform the gate on a full set of input states for both qubits and measure an average fidelity of 90 ± 2%. For the particular case that should result in the antisymmetric Bell state, we perform full tomography of the final state.The gate has many favorable properties. First, the ionsThe experimental apparatus. Two 171 Yb + ions are trapped in identically constructed ion traps separated by one meter. A magnetic field B is applied perpendicular to the excitation and observation axes to define the quantization axis. About 2% of the emitted light from each ion is collected by objective lenses (OL) with numerical aperture of 0.23 and coupled into two single-mode fibers. Polarization co...