In this manuscript, integral and derivative of the functions with Cantor-Tartan spaces is defined. The generalization of standard calculus which is called F α -calculus utilized to obtain the integral and derivative of the functions on the Cantor-Tartan with different dimensions. Differential equation involving the new derivatives are solved. The illustrative examples are used to present the details. Keywords: F α -calculus; Staircase function ; Cantor-Tartan support; Fractional differential equation MSC[2010]: 81Q35; 28A80;The fractal shapes and objects are seen in the nature, e.g., clouds, mountains, coastlines, human body, and etc. The geometry of the fractals were studied [26]. The analysis on fractals were established, using different methods, such as fractional calculus, probability theory, measure theory, fractional spaces, and time scale theory by many researchers and found many applications [12,25,25,6,2,7,1,31,35,36,8]. The fractional derivatives have non-local property which are suitable to model the process with the memory effect, nonconservative systems [22,23,30,39,41,24,27,28,33,18]. The fractional calculus, which involves derivatives with arbitrary orders, has applied on the process with fractals structures [37,29,9]. The anomalous diffusion on fractals was formulated which included sub-and supper diffusion in view of different random walks [40,11,38]. Fractal antennas are small but have wide-band radiations which make them useful in microwave communications [21,10]. Laminar flow of a fractal fluid in a cylindrical tube was studied 1 arXiv:1712.01347v2 [math.CA]