The recently developed and implemented state selective, fully spin-adapted coupled cluster (CC) method that employs a single, yet effectively multiconfigurational, spin-free reference and the formalism of the unitary group approach (UGA) to the many-electron correlation problem, has been employed to calculate static electric properties of various open-shell ( 0 s ) systems using the finite field (FF) technique. Starting with the lithium atom, the method was applied at the first-order interacting space single and double excitation level (CCSD(is)) to several first-and second-row hydrides having OS ground state, namely to the CH, NH, OH, SiH, PH, and SH radicals. In the case of NH we also considered three OS excited states. In all cases the dipole moment and polarizability were determined using a high quality basis set and compared with the experiment, whenever available, as well as with various configuration interaction results and other theoretical results that are available from the literature. The agreement of our CCSD(is) values with experiment is very satisfactory except for the 3~-ground state of the NH radical, where the experimentally determined dipole moment is too small. No experimental data are available for the corresponding polarizabilities. It is also shown that the FF technique is not suitable for calculations of higher order static properties, such as the hyperpolarizability P and y tensors. For this reason we formulate the linear response version of our UGA-based CCSD approach and discuss the aspects of its future implementation.Key words: static molecular properties, dipole moments, polarizabilities, free radicals, unitary group based coupled cluster method, linear response theory, finite field technique.RCsurnC : On a utilisk la mtthode des cccoupled cluster,, (((CCn) complktement adaptCe aux spin et sClective des Ctats, dCveloppCe et mise en place rkcemment, qui n'utilise qu'une rCfCrence sans spin, mais qui est malgrC tout effectivement multiconfigurationnelle, ainsi que le formalisme de groups unitaires (NUGAD) au problkme de la corrClation de plusieurs Clectrons pour calculer les propriCtCs statiques de divers systernes en couches ouvertes (c