CYP2E1 is recognized as the most important enzyme for initiation of acetaminophen (APAP)-induced toxicity. In this study, the resistance of Cyp2e1-null mice to APAP treatment was confirmed by comparing serum aminotransferase activities and blood urea nitrogen levels in wild-type and Cyp2e1-null mice. However, unexpectedly, profiling of major known APAP metabolites in urine and serum revealed that the contribution of CYP2E1 to APAP metabolism decreased with increasing APAP doses administered. Measurement of hepatic glutathione and hydrogen peroxide levels exposed the importance of oxidative stress in determining the consequence of APAP overdose. Subsequent metabolomic analysis was capable of constructing a principal components analysis (PCA) model that delineated a relationship between urinary metabolomes and the responses to APAP treatment. Urinary ions high in wild-type mice treated with 400 mg/kg APAP were elucidated as 3-methoxy-APAP glucuronide (VII) and three novel APAP metabolites, including S-(5-acetylamino-2-hydroxyphenyl)mercaptopyruvic acid (VI, formed by a Cys-APAP transamination reaction in kidney), 3,3-biacetaminophen (VIII, an APAP dimer), and a benzothiazine compound (IX, originated from deacetylated APAP), through mass isotopomer analysis, accurate mass measurement, tandem mass spectrometry fragmentation, in vitro reactions, and chemical treatments. Dose-, time-, and genotype-dependent appearance of these minor APAP metabolites implied their association with the APAP-induced toxicity and potential biomarker application. Overall, the oxidative stress elicited by CYP2E1-mediated APAP metabolism might significantly contribute to APAPinduced toxicity. The combination of genetically modified animal models, mass isotopomer analysis, and metabolomics provides a powerful and efficient technical platform to characterize APAP-induced toxicity through identifying novel biomarkers and unraveling novel mechanisms.
Acetaminophen (APAP)3 overdose causes acute liver and kidney failure (1, 2). Because of its clinical importance, APAPinduced acute toxicity has become an indispensable model for studying drug-induced liver and kidney injury. Over the past 40 years, numerous efforts have been undertaken to understand the molecular mechanism of this toxicological event. Results from those studies indicated that the toxicity is initiated by P450-mediated reactions that convert APAP to the reactive electrophile, N-acetyl-p-benzoquinone imine (NAPQI), causing glutathione depletion and covalent binding (3). Subsequent damage to mitochondria, cell membranes, and nuclei, as well as the disruption of cell death-and survival-related signaling pathways, lead to massive necrosis and apoptosis (4). Besides the P450-catalyzed oxidation reactions, detoxicating reactions including sulfation, glucuronidation, and glutathione conjugation also significantly contribute to the biotransformation of APAP and NAPQI. The balance between these activation and detoxication routes can largely determine the consequences of APAP treatment. Severa...