“…Under the IASCC test program of the OECD Halden Reactor Project, 3) the IASCC susceptibility of stainless steels (and nickel base alloys), the effects of radiation and water chemistry on IASCC, the quantification of crack growth rate as a function of stress intensity factor and the benefits of mitigation measures, such as hydrogen water chemistry (HWC), have been addressed. [4][5][6] In this program, successful qualification of instrumentation and loading techniques required for in-core monitoring of cracking behavior during exposure to representative LWR (typically boiling water reactor (BWR)) environments have been performed, and the use of ''1/4T'' compact tension (CT) specimens prepared from irradiated stainless steels in crack growth studies has been demonstrated. 4,5) Furthermore, the water loops can be operated under different thermal-hydraulic and water chemistry conditions, covering a range of BWR and pressurized water reactor (PWR) requirements at the Halden reactor.…”