The Roles of Spirituality in People Living with HIV/AIDS: A Qualitative Meta-synthesis T he spread of HIV/AIDS continues to be a major problem for public health around the world. People living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) steadily climbed from 35.6 to 36.9 million between 2015 and 2017, with 940,000 people dying from HIV/AIDS during the aforementioned period. 1 Similarly, the number of PLWHA in Thailand increased from 445,000 to 450,000 with approximately 15,000 people dying from HIV/ AIDS during the abovementioned period. 2 Due to the increasing numbers of people receiving antiretroviral therapy (ART), HIV-related deaths have dropped by 38%, 1 and AIDS has changed into a chronic disease drawing new challenges for health care providers. 3 PLWHA are faced with stressful life events related to the illness including physical health problems resulting from declining immune status, psychological distress related to stress, anxiety and depression, social isolation due to social stigma, fear and uncertainty about death, loss of self-control, self-blame, internalized conflict, and hopelessness. 3-9 The aforementioned problems might lead PLWHA to become spiritually distressed and commit suicide. 4,6,9 Spirituality is a broad concept consisting of several key features and it is the source of human beings that can help people to accept themselves and their illness, find meaning and purpose in life, create inner strength, maintain hope, improve the sense of selftrancendence, create relationships and connect with other people as well as a higher power, divine or God. 3,8,9-11 Moreover, spirituality can play a vital role in supporting PLWHA. According to the studies of Ironson et al (2006), 12 Ironson et al (2016), 13 and Black and Slavice (2016) 14 it was found that spirituality/religiousness significantly correlated with better CD4 cell count and controlling of viral load. Consequently, spirituality has a significant effect on controlling disease symptoms and slowing the progression of disease, 5,15 while ensuring life-satisfaction, quality of life, well-being, 5,16 and long-term survival. 13 According to the literature review, limited research studies have been conducted in Thailand about the role of spirituality among PLWHA. Most research studies were quantitative research studies and focused on the