Globally, progress in reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from livestock agricultural systems has been slow. Attention has focussed on implementation science: understanding barriers to the uptake of GHG emissions mitigation measures and identifying solutions. Here, solutions presented by stakeholders associated with the Welsh sheep, beef and dairy sectors were used to create a typology of implementation strategies providing insights for improving uptake of GHG emissions mitigation measures in these sectors globally. A grounded theory approach identified themes and underlying categories of solutions in data gathered from stakeholders, through semi-structured interviews and facilitated workshops. Four categories were identified, underlying 25 themes coded from the data: Basis for change (relating to the knowledge, skills and resources of those involved), Levels of change (working around, overcoming or altering challenges), Approaches to change (accommodating, controlling or empowering) and Types of change (specific practical solutions or capacity-building). Basis for change and Approaches to change determine responsibility for change from practical (who has the capacity) and subjective (who should be responsible) perspectives. The typology is discussed in the context of previously identified challenges and examples of current implementation strategies. Findings provide a framework of solutions to support policymakers, and researchers engaged in implementation science.