An equiangular tight frame (ETF) is a type of optimal packing of lines in Euclidean space. A regular simplex is a special type of ETF in which the number of vectors is one more than the dimension of the space they span. In this paper, we consider ETFs that contain a regular simplex, that is, have the property that a subset of its vectors forms a regular simplex. As we explain, such ETFs are characterized as those that achieve equality in a certain well-known bound from the theory of compressed sensing. We then consider the so-called binder of such an ETF, namely the set of all regular simplices that it contains. We provide a new algorithm for computing this binder in terms of products of entries of the ETF's Gram matrix. In certain circumstances, we show this binder can be used to produce a particularly elegant Naimark complement of the corresponding ETF. Other times, an ETF is a disjoint union of regular simplices, and we show this leads to a certain type of optimal packing of subspaces known as an equichordal tight fusion frame. We conclude by considering the extent to which these ideas can be applied to numerous known constructions of ETFs, including harmonic ETFs. Necessary integrality conditions on the existence of various types of ETFs are given in [58].Conference matrices, Hadamard matrices, Paley tournaments and quadratic residues are related, and lead to infinite families of ETFs whose redundancy n d is either nearly or exactly two [57,43,53,56]. Harmonic ETFs and Steiner ETFs offer much more freedom in choosing d and n. Harmonic ETFs are equivalent to difference sets in finite abelian groups [60,57,63,27]. Steiner ETFs arise from particular types of balanced incomplete block designs (BIBDs) [39,36]. Recent generalizations of Steiner ETFs have led to new infinite families of ETFs arising from projective planes that contain hyperovals [35] as well as from Steiner triple systems [31]. Another new family arises by generalizing the SRG construction of [38] to the complex setting [32].Many of these known constructions give ETFs that contain a regular simplex, and thus achieve equality in both (2) and (3). For example, every Steiner ETF is a disjoint union of regular simplices by construction. This property is also enjoyed by harmonic ETFs arising from McFarland difference sets, since it is known that they can be obtained by applying unitary operators to certain Steiner ETFs [45]. We study ETFs that contain regular simplices in general, and then explore the degree to which the ETFs constructed in [63,27,35,31,32] have this property.In particular, in the next section, we establish notation, discuss some known results that we will need later on, and elaborate on the connections between these ideas and compressed sensing. In Section 3, we show that an ETF achieves equality in (3) if and only if it contains a regular simplex (Theorem 3.1), and give a strong necessary condition on the existence of real ETFs that are full spark (Theorem 3.2). In the fourth section, we characterize regular simplices that are containe...