Achondrogenesis (ACG) is a number of disorders that are the most severe form of congenital chondrodysplasia characterized with bones and cartilage malformation. Generally, characteristic of ACG is a small body, short limbs, and other skeletal abnormalities. As a result of infants with ACG their serious health problems, usually born prematurely, are stillborn, or die shortly after birth from respiratory failure. Currently 3 type variants of ACG such as ACG-1A, ACG-1B and ACG-2. ACG-1A appears to be autosomal recessive (AR), with thyroid hormone receptor interactor 11 (TRIP11) gen mutation, while ACG1B also appears to be AR, with diastrophic dysplasia sulfate transporter or DTDST (SLC26A2) gen mutation. ACG-2 is caused by autosomal dominant (AD), with type 2 collagen (COL2A1) gen mutation. ACG-1A had characterizid such as physis abnormal, vertebral bodies with unossified or smal and oval, skull poorly ossified, periodic acid–Schiff (PAS) stain positive chondrocyte inclusions finding in long bones. ACG-1B had physis abnormal, vertebral bodies with unossified or smal and oval, skull ossified, perichondrocyte collagen rings finding in long bones. ACG-2 also had physis abnormal, metaphyseal cupping, vertebral bodies with unossified or small and oval, enlarged chondrocyte lacunae.