The whole 1992 volume of Advances in Physical Organic Chemistry will interest readers of this chapter. Reviews by Williams,'" Lee,'b Bernasconi," and Ta-Shma and Rappoport I d covered, respectively, the relationship between effective charge and transition-state structure, the use of cross interaction coefficients in the diagnosis of reaction mechanisms, the principle of non-perfect synchronization, and solventinduced changes in the selectivity of solvolysis reactions. The first issue of Accounts of Chemical Research contained a number of relevant articles: one described Bunnett's work on the dehalogenation of aryl halides by SET processes;2 mechanisms of amide hydrolysis in aqueous media were also d i s c ~s s e d . ~Elsewhere, the conceptual basis of face-selectivity in carbonyl-group addition reactions was a p p r a i ~e d , ~ and aspects of aromatic chemistry were reviewed including the electrophilic substitution reactions of heterocyclic compoundsS and vicarious nucleophilic substitutions.6The roles of ion-pair exchange processes and their manifestation in salt effects were reviewed,' and scales of solvent ionizing power based upon the solvolyses of benzylic substrates were surveyed.8 A number of aspects of nucleophilic aliphatic substitution were summarized and discussed, including the intervention of single electron transfer (SET) processes' and theoretical aspects of the S,2 reaction."Other topics which received attention included mechanisms for the formation of ozonides," and the use of the endocyclic restriction test for the elucidation of transition-state geometries.' A set of guidelines for the publication of results in (a) A.