Samples of the LFH and Bfh horizons of an Orthic Humo-Ferric Podzol were analyzed for S components after irrigation with simulated acid rain solutions ofpH 5.7, 3.5, and 2.0 for 720 days. Organic S was preponderant. In the LFH horizon, the mass ratio of ester sulfate: carbon-bonded S was approximately 1 : 1 for samples treated with solutions of pH 5.7 and 3.5; for the sample treated with the pH-2.0 solution, the ratio was about 2 : 1 and the concentrations of both inorganic sulfate and ester sulfate were markedly higher. In the Bfh horizon, carbon-bonded S was the major form of organic S, except in the sample subjected to the high-acid (pH 2.0) simulated rain. The organic S components were further separated into chloroform-soluble, aqueous trifluoracetic acid-soluble, and residual fractions. Significant increases in inorganic sulfate, both water soluble and adsorbed were found after the pH-2.0 treatment. Saskatchewan soils (Bettany et al., 1973), and 0.15 ~o in the 01 horizon of a sandy loam Ashe series (forest soil) ; the concentrations of S in mineral horizons normally are lower (Bettany et al., 1973).