A strain of Lactobacilh plantanm, isolated from fermenting orange juice (OJ), was inoculated into unpasteurized or reconstituted OJ and held under low pH/low temperature conditions. Viability decreased more raoidlv at subfreezing: temperatures near -5°C than at lower or higher tempkratures. Viabil& decreased 0.37 log CFU/mI+!hr at -6.6"C and 0.05 loe CFU/mLihr at -18°C. Rates of oooulation decrease in frozen samges at. -5°C were about three timis'greater than in unfrozen samples at the same temperature. An inverse linear relationship existed between rate of population decrease (log CFU/mUday) at -7°C and OJ pH, with the rate of decrease at pH 4.1, about 1 log cycle lower than at pH 3.5 (0.024 and 0.60, respectively).