Abstract. Organizations and roles are often seen as mental constructs, good to be used during the design phase in Multi Agent Systems, but they have also been considered as first class citizens in MAS, when objective coordination is needed. Roles facilitate the coordination of agents inside an organization, and they give new abilities in the context of organizations, called powers, to the agents which satisfy the requirements necessary to play them. No general purpose programming languages for multiagent systems offer primitives to program organizations and roles as instances existing at runtime, so, in this paper, we propose our extension of the Jade framework, with primitives to program in Java organizations structured in roles, and to enable agents to play roles in organizations. We provide classes and protocols which enable an agent to enact a new role in an organization, to interact with the role by invoking the execution of powers, and to receive new goals to be fulfilled. Since roles and organizations can be on a different platform with respect to the role players, the communication with them happens via protocols. Since they can have complex behaviours, they are implemented by extending the Jade agent class. Our aim is to give to programmers a middle tier, built on the Jade platform, useful to solve with minimal implementative effort many coordination problems, and to offer a first, implicit, management of norms and sanctions.