Nowadays the system of secondary education in the Russian Federation undergoes modernization at all levels, as the previous system could not satisfy the social and economic demands of the state in human resources. Modern education should prepare a child to the successful socialization, conscious choice of the profession which will enhance his/her personal and professional development. The reforms in the system of vocational education brought forward new requirements to the applicants' training in schools. They are high self-organization, ability to make decisions and be responsible for them, successful cognitive and socially-oriented activity, ability to life-long learning, commitment to development, ability to work alone and in a team. Acmeological approach is the most effective in this case. The peculiarity of this approach is in creating conditions for stimulating learners' potential, supporting their personal achievements which ground their further personal-professional growth. The article reflects coherence of the acmeological approach with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standards on schoolchildren training. It has conditioned the modeling of pedagogical systems which apply acmeological technologies both in organization and contents components of the educational process.