The gastric pathogen Helicobacter pylori must combat chronic acid and oxidative stress. It does so via many mechanisms, including macromolecule repair and gene regulation. Mitomycin C-sensitive clones from a transposon mutagenesis library were screened. One sensitive strain contained the insertion element at the locus of hp119, a hypothetical gene. No homologous gene exists in any (non-H. pylori) organism. Nevertheless, the predicted protein has some features characteristic of histone-like proteins, and we showed that purified HP119 protein is a DNA-binding protein. A ⌬hp119 strain was markedly more sensitive (viability loss) to acid or to air exposure, and these phenotypes were restored to wild-type (WT) attributes upon complementation of the mutant with the wild-type version of hp119 at a separate chromosomal locus. The mutant strain was approximately10-fold more sensitive to macrophage-mediated killing than the parent or the complemented strain. Of 12 mice inoculated with the wild type, all contained H. pylori, whereas 5 of 12 mice contained the mutant strain; the mean colonization numbers were 158-fold less for the mutant strain. A proteomic (two-dimensional PAGE with mass spectrometric analysis) comparison between the ⌬hp119 mutant and the WT strain under oxidative stress conditions revealed a number of important antioxidant protein differences; SodB, Tpx, TrxR, and NapA, as well as the peptidoglycan deacetylase PgdA, were significantly less expressed in the ⌬hp119 mutant than in the WT strain. This study identified HP119 as a putative histone-like DNA-binding protein and showed that it plays an important role in Helicobacter pylori stress tolerance and survival in the host.
Helicobacter pylori infects the stomachs of approximately 50% of humans and results in a series of human gastric diseases, including gastritis, peptic ulcers, and gastric cancer (1-4). The pathogenesis of H. pylori relies on its persistence in surviving a harsh environment, including acidity, peristalsis, and attack by phagocyte cells and their released reactive oxygen species (5). H. pylori survives on the surface of the stomach lining, often for the lifetime of its host, and causes a chronic inflammatory response. Under physiological conditions, H. pylori is thought to frequently suffer oxidative and acid stress (6, 7). H. pylori is equipped with diverse oxidant detoxification enzymes (e.g., superoxide dismutase, catalase, and peroxiredoxins) (8) and potent acid avoidance mechanisms (mainly urease) (9). To survive the harsh conditions, H. pylori regulates its gene expression in response to the stress signals; however, the bacterium lacks many response regulators known to occur in model microorganisms, such as the SOS response, OxyR/SoxR, and RpoS. Our current knowledge of the stress tolerance mechanisms cannot account for the well-described dynamic survival abilities of H. pylori.Studies in recent years have indicated that DNA recombination and repair play a significant role in H. pylori's persistent colonization of the host (10-14). ...