We present the experimental observation of Bloch oscillations, the Wannier-Stark ladder, and LandauZener tunneling of surface acoustic waves in perturbed grating structures on a solid substrate. A model providing a quantitative description of our experimental observations, including multiple Landau-Zener transitions of the anticrossed surface acoustic Wannier-Stark states, is developed. The use of a planar geometry for the realization of the Bloch oscillations and Landau-Zener tunneling allows a direct access to the elastic field distribution. The vertical surface displacement has been measured by interferometry. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.104.165502 PACS numbers: 63.20.Àe, 43.35.+d, 63.22.Àm, 68.35.Àp Bloch oscillations (BOs) of an electron in a periodic potential under a constant electric field is a paradigm quantum effect [1,2]. BOs of the wave-packet group velocity are the result of the interplay between the particlelike acceleration by a constant driving force and wave Bragg reflection in the periodic potential. The frequencydomain counterpart of BOs is the equidistant WannierStark ladder (WSL) of localized states in a perturbed periodic system [3]. Electron BOs and WSL have been demonstrated in a number of experiments after the advent of semiconductor superlattices (SSLs) [4]. The WSL leads to resonances of the density of electronic states which were observed for the first time in optical spectra in SSLs [5]. BOs were first observed in time-resolved optical experiments in biased SSLs as oscillations of electron wave packets [6][7][8][9][10], and later as a periodic motion of ensembles of ultracold atoms [11,12] and Bose-Einstein condensates [13,14] in optical lattices. The related high-field phenomenon, Landau-Zener tunneling (LZT) between neighboring bands across the band gap [15,16], was also observed in SSLs for electrons [17,18] In this Letter, we demonstrate that fundamental effects of quantum-wave transport in a perturbed periodic potential such as BOs, WSL, and LZT can be studied with surface acoustic waves (SAWs) in a solid. Our experimental results, including multiple LZ-like transitions between the anticrossed surface acoustic WS states, are described by a theoretical model developed by us. The used planar geometry allows the direct access to the elastic field distribution of the corresponding WS and LZ eigenstates.In our approach, we employ SAW cavities separated by acoustic Bragg reflectors (BRs). These structures are defined by locally changing the SAW propagation properties via the deposition of thin gold stripes in-between a LiNbO 3 SAW delay line (see Fig. 1). The BRs are efficient barriers, presenting high reflectivity for an incoming wave packet. This arises from the destructive interference of the properly arranged set of reflectors that creates a stop-band in the transmission spectrum for the incoming wave. Further-