Controlled mechanical oscillations are not part of superconducting magnet toolkit except for diagnostics/quench detection purposes. However, significant potential exists to use them to affect operational conditions in magnets. There is also the possibility to explore them in terms of magnet protection. As none of these is known to had been investigated in past an effort is made here to address viability, use cases and benefits of such developments. Both appear to be valid and promising subjects and the magnet community can only gain with further investigations.
PrefaceI have been writing some FNAL notes regarding subjects I find quite relevant to develop but at the same time I have been unable to secure funding for them. In my opinion it is still useful to put together material, with some limited amount of work, which lays out the main points within a subject and discusses them. The current note is about "vibrations" and their use for actively affecting superconducting magnet operations.The note regards mainly Nb3Sn magnets although many aspects can relate to other technologies. Before diving into the subject, it may be advantageous to discuss the topic in its generality and think about obvious limitations, in the process explaining the goal of this writing. In Nb3Sn magnets we often talk about stress (pressure) levels on part of the conductor of the order 100 MPa, 150 MPa being around the maxim "safe" level to avoid permanent conductor degradation. The surface this high pressure applies to is mostly the cable wide side, with typical cable widths of ~ 15-20 mm. Thus, the cable sees at most ~23 kN per centimeter of cable. Of course, this force can vary with magnetic field (~B 2 if the magnet structure is not "stress managed") and is not uniform across the magnet. To get perspective, if that portion of the cable was to be moved by one micro-meter against that force it would require 23 mJ of work to be done. Nb3Sn cable is insulated, and epoxy is typically also used for coil sturdiness. Under high pressures and cryogenic temperatures those materials degrade or at least their state can change, and interfaces cannot be considered fixed: wires within the cable could move, cable can slip with respect to epoxy/insulation which by itself may be fractured, shaping material in the coil can be FERMILAB-TM-2802-TD