Abstract. Magnetrohelogical fluids (MRFs) represent a class of smart materials whose rheological properties change in response to the magnetic field, which resulting in the drastic change of the acoustic impedance. This paper presents an acoustic propagation model that approximates a fluid-saturated porous medium as a fluid with a bulk modulus and effective density (EDFM) to study the acoustic propagation in the MRF materials under magnetic field. The effective density fluid model derived from the Biot's theory. Some minor changes to the theory had to be applied, modeling both fluid-like and solid-like state of the MRF material. The attenuation and velocity variation of the MRF are numerical calculated. The calculated results show that for the MRF material the attenuation and velocity predicted with this effective density fluid model are close agreement with the previous predictions by Biot's theory. We demonstrate that for the MRF material acoustic prediction the effective density fluid model is an accurate alternative to full Biot's theory and is much simpler to implement.