The aim of this paper is to evaluate the possibility of using the impact-echo method for monitoring extremely long-term frost resistance of ceramic tiles. Non-destructive testing methods make it possible to sensitively identify the occurrence and development of defects in materials. Impact-echo methods belong to the family of non-destructive testing methods and can be applied in many branches, among others also in civil engineering. To assess the ceramic-tile frost resistance, a new measurement method was developed based on using the acoustic properties of ceramic tiles. Sets of ceramic tiles of the Ia class were analyzed according to the EN 14 411 B standard. The ceramic tiles under investigation were subjected to degradation due to 500 freezethaw cycles in compliance with the relevant EN ISO 10545-12 standard. To verify the correctness of the impact-echo-method results, additional physical properties of the tested ceramic tiles were measured. To analyze the specimen-surface condition, we also used an Olympus LEXT 3100 confocal scanning microscope. It was proved that the impact-echo acoustic method is a sensitive indicator of a structure condition and can be applied to assess the frost resistance of a ceramic cladding element and predict its service life. Keywords: impact-echo, ceramic tiles, frost resistance, confocal microscopy, freeze-thaw cycles Namen tega~lanka je oceniti mo`nosti za uporabo metode Impact-echo za kontrolo ekstremno dolge odpornosti kerami~nih plo{~ic proti zmrzali. Neporu{ne preiskovalne metode omogo~ajo selektivno identifikacijo pojava in napredovanja napak v materialu. Metoda Impact-echo pripada skupini neporu{nih metod preiskav in je uporabna v mnogih bran`ah, med drugim tudi v gradbeni{tvu. Za oceno odpornosti kerami~nih plo{~ic je bila razvita nova merilna metoda, ki temelji na akusti~nih lastnostih kerami~nih plo{~ic. Analizirani so bili kompleti kerami~nih plo{~ic kvalitete Ia po standardu EN 14 411 B. Preiskovane kerami~ne plo{~ice so bile izpostavljene degradaciji pri 500 ciklih zamrznitve-odtaljevanja skladno z odgovarjajo~im standardom EN ISO 10545-12. Za preverjanje ustreznosti rezultatov metode Impact-echo so bile izmerjene dodatne fizikalne lastnosti kerami~nih plo{~ic. Za analizo stanja povr{ine vzorca je bil uporabljen konfokalni vrsti~ni mikroskop Olympus LEXT 3100. Dokazano je bilo, da je akusti~na metoda Impact-echo ob~utljiv pokazatelj stanja konstrukcije in je uporabna za ugotavljanje odpornosti proti zmrzovanju kerami~nih plo{~ic in za napovedovanje trajnostne dobe plo{~ic. Klju~ne besede: Impact-echo, kerami~ne plo{~ice, odpornost proti zmrzovanju, konfokalna mikroskopija, cikli zmrzovanje-odtaljevanje