Deformation of soil bodies and soil-structure systems generates acoustic emission (AE), which are high-frequency stress waves. Listening to this AE by coupling sensors to structural elements can provide information on asset condition and early warning of accelerating deformation behaviour. There is a need for experimentation to model the propagation of AE in buried pipe systems to enhance understanding of real behaviour. Analytical solutions are often based on many assumptions (e.g. homogeneity, isotropy, boundary conditions and material properties) and cannot exactly represent the behaviour of the in situ system. This paper details a series of experiments conducted on buried pipes to investigate AE attenuation in pipes due to couplings and soil surround. The attenuation coefficients reported provide guidance to engineers for designing sensor spacing along buried pipes for monitoring ground deformations, and active waveguide installation depths for slope deformation monitoring. Attenuation coefficients have been quantified for both air-pipe-air and air-pipe-soil tri-layer systems for the frequency range of 20 to 30 kHz.Keywords: acoustic emission; attenuation; buried pipes; deformation; field instrumentation; landslides; monitoring; non-destructive testing; slopes
IntroductionAcoustic emission (AE) monitoring of slopes uses active waveguides (Figure 1), which are installed in boreholes, or retrofitted inside existing inclinometer or standpipe casings. They are installed to intersect existing or anticipated shear surfaces beneath the slope, and they comprise the composite system of a steel tube, connected in lengths using screw threaded couplings, with a granular backfill surround (i.e. a type of buried pipe). As the host slope deforms, the active waveguide deforms, and this causes particle-particle and particle-waveguide interactions to take place, which generate the AE. The predominant zone of AE generation is at the shear surface. Generated AE rates are proportional to applied displacement rates, where the coefficient of proportionality Smith et al. Monitoring Buried Pipe Deformation Using AE: Quantification of Attenuation 17/08/2016 3 is dependent on the depth to the shear surface and the distance AE propagates along the waveguide to the ground surface where it is measured. Quantifying this magnitude of attenuation for each installation is essential to deriving slope displacement rates from measured AE rates, which can be used to warn users of accelerating slope deformation behaviour to enable evacuation of vulnerable people and timely repair and maintenance of critical infrastructure (Koerner et al., 1981;Nakajima et al., 1991;Smith et al., 2014a;Smith et al., 2014b;Dixon et al., 2015a;Dixon et al., 2015b;Smith, 2015;Smith & Dixon, 2015;Smith et al., 2016).[Insert Figure 1 here] Developments in AE monitoring of pipe networks (e.g. Alleyne & Cawley, 1992;Alleyne & Cawley, 1997) for the detection and location of defects (e.g. Lowe et al., 1998) and leaks (e.g. Mostafapour & Davoudi, 2013;Anastasopoulos et a...