Nonlinear ultrasound has been proven to be a useful nondestructive testing tool for micro-damage inspection of materials and structures operating in harsh environment. When measuring the nonlinear second harmonic wave in a solid specimen in the pulse–echo (PE) testing mode, the stress-free boundary characteristics brings the received second harmonic component close to zero. Therefore, the PE method has never been employed to measure the so-called “nonlinear parameter (β)”, which is used to quantify the degree of micro-damage. When there are stress-free boundaries, a focused beam is known to improve the PE reception of the second harmonic wave, so phased-array (PA) transducers can be used to generate the focused beam. For the practical application of PE nonlinear ultrasonic testing, however, it is necessary to develop a new type of PA transducer that is completely different from conventional ones. In this paper, we propose a new annular PA transducer capable of measuring β with improved second harmonic reception in the PE mode. Basically, the annular PA transducer (APAT) consists of four external ring transmitters and an internal disk receiver at the center. The focused beam properties of the transducers are analyzed using a nonlinear sound beam model which incorporates the effects of beam diffraction, material attenuation, and boundary reflection. The optimal design of the APAT is performed in terms of the maximum second harmonic reception and the total correction close to one, and the results are presented in detail.