For the past several years, researchers at NASA Langley have been engaged in a series of projects to study the degree to which existing facilities and capabilities, originally created for work on full-scale aircraft, are extensible to smaller scales-those of the small unmanned aerial systems (sUAS, also UAVs and, colloquially, 'drones') that have been showing up in the nation's airspace of late. This paper follows an effort that has led to an initial human-subject psychoacoustic test regarding the annoyance generated by sUAS noise. This effort spans three phases: 1. The collection of the sounds through field recordings. 2. The formulation and execution of a psychoacoustic test using those recordings. 3. The initial analysis of the data from that test. The data suggests a lack of parity between the noise of the recorded sUAS and that of a set of road vehicles that were also recorded and included in the test, as measured by a set of contemporary noise metrics. Future work, including the possibility of further human subject testing, is discussed in light of this suggestion.