SUMMARY The aggregation properties of washed SHRSP platelets were investigated in comparison with normotensive WKY platelets at prehypertensive (4 weeks), early hypertensive (11 weeks) and late hypertensive (17 weeks) ages in the absence of plasma factors. The number of platelets in SHRSP was markedly lower with the development of hypertension than that in WKY. The thrombin-and collagen-induced aggregation was markedly reduced in the platelets from 11 and 17 week old SHRSP compared with that of age-matched WKY, whereas the degree of platelet aggregation in 4 week old SHRSP showed a tendency to be even greater than that in WKY. The changes in blood pressure and platelet aggregability were correlated inversely. ADP did not induce aggregation in the same system used for thrombin and collagen stimulation but in another system it aggregated washed rat platelets. Aggregation responses to ADP and ionophore A23187 were also significantly lower in 14 week old SHRSP platelets than age-matched WKY platelets. Together with other evidence, these results suggest that defective Ca 2+ function, rather than the presence of exhausted platelets, is responsible for hypoaggregability in SHRSP platelets.Stroke Vol 15, No I, 1984 PLATELET ADHESIVENESS and ADP-induced platelet aggregation has been reported to have increased in patients with hypertension regardless of the aethiology and severity of the disease.1 " 4 It is well known that the leading causes of death in patients with hypertension are thrombosis of coronary and cerebral arteries. SHRSP, a substrain of SHR, which was established in 1974 by Okamoto et al 5 develops more severe hypertension spontaneously than SHR, and dies of massive cerebral hemorrhage or infarction between 100 and 500 days after birth. Using these strains of spontaneous hypertension which are considered to represent the closest model to human hypertension, we have been able to show the changes in some aortic enzyme activities due to hypertension. As hypertension is assumed to be one of the important factors in thrombotic diseases, it seems of interest to investigate platelet functions in SHRSP. Using platelet-rich plasma Yamazaki et al 7 demonstrated that platelet aggregability and thrombogenic tendency in response to ADP were lower in SHR compared to WKY. Yamori et al 8 reported similar observation with SHRSP. There is evidence that the insoluble collagen of the aorta from SHRSP induced a greater aggregation response than that from WKY, 9 and that the fibrinolytic system in SHRSP and SHR was impaired.
10Platelet-rich plasma contains various humoral factors influencing platelet functions such as PGI 2 , PGD 2 , PGE 2 , catecholamines and angiotensins, most of which were shown to deviate in these hypertensive rats."" 16 Thus in this study, washed platelets were prepared from SHRSP at prehypertensive, early hypertensive and late hypertensive ages, and platelet responses to thrombin, collagen, ADP and ionophore A23187 in the absence of humoral factors were investigated in comparison with age-matched normote...