SUMMARY: Diagnostic imaging is the most rapidly growing physician service in the Medicare and privately insured population. The growing share of medical costs devoted to imaging procedures has led to increasing concerns among the key federal agencies and private payers. In an attempt to educate health care providers, patients, and families on the importance of making optimal clinical decisions, the American Board of Internal Medicine Foundation organized the Choosing Wisely initiative with strong collaboration from specialty societies representing nearly all medical disciplines. Among 45 tests and treatments listed on the Choosing Wisely Web site, 24 are directly related to imaging. Eleven of the 24 are associated with neuroimaging. The listing of imaging tests in the Choosing Wisely program by multiple medical societies other than the radiology societies acknowledges that appropriate use of medical imaging is a shared responsibility between radiologists and referring physicians. In this article, we highlight why radiologists are uniquely positioned to support the appropriate use of imaging. We review some of the strategies that radiologists can use to help their referring physicians with appropriate ordering of neuroimaging in real-world practice and address some the challenges and pitfalls in implementing patient-centered imaging decision-making and shifting to a value-based focus in radiology.