Pb was established in the bioapatite of 219 individual archaeofaunal remains (cattle, pig, red deer) excavated from sites located along a specific transect of the European Alps, namely the Inn-Eisack-Adige-Brenner Passage, that has been of eminent importance since European prehistory. This reference area is vertically stratified, and since δ 18 O in the skeleton is influenced by climate, water source, physiology and even culture, we tested the relative contribution and importance of δ 18 O as a component of the *bs_bs_banner multi-isotope fingerprint for provenance analysis in this alpine region by a novel mathematical approach. In particular, we adapted a supervised learning approach through expectationmaximization (EM) clustering for fingerprint extraction and evaluated the contribution of each isotopic ratio to the data structure. While an altitude effect was evident in δ 18 O, its overall structural importance in the complete isotopic fingerprint was rather low. Therefore, provenance analysis of bioarchaeological finds in this region is possible by measuring stable Sr and Pb ratios alone, which is of considerable importance when δ 18 O values are not available, e.g., in cremated finds, although some information is lost. Whether this is tolerable depends on the scientific question to be solved.