There is strong interest in discovering or designing wide gap Chern insulators. Here we follow a Chern insulator to trivial Mott insulator transition versus interaction strength U in a honeycomb lattice Fe-based transition metal oxide, discovering that a spin-orbit coupling energy scale ξ=40 meV can produce and maintain a topologically entangled Chern insulating state against large band structure changes arising from an interaction strength U up to 60 times as large. Within the Chern phase the minimum gap switches from the zone corner K to the zone center Γ while maintaining the topological structure. At a critical strength Uc, the continuous evolution of the electronic structure encounters a gap closing then reopening, upon which the system reverts to a trivial Mott insulating phase. This Chern insulator phase of honeycomb lattice Fe 2+ BaFe2(PO4)2 corresponds to a large Chern number C = -3 that will provide enhanced anomalous Hall conductivity due to the associated three edge states threading through the bulk gap of 80 meV.PACS numbers:
I. BACKGROUNDThe quantum anomalous Hall (QAH) insulator, also known as the Chern insulator, is a two-dimensional (2D) ferromagnetic (FM) insulator with a nonzero Chern number, resulting in a quantized boundary anomalous Hall conductivity without an external magnetic field as first proposed by the Haldane model on a hexagonal lattice.[1] The quantized conductivity is given by σ xy = C(e 2 /h) A Chern insulating state arises in a broken time reversal system where spin-orbit coupling (SOC) inverts valence and conduction bands which would otherwise provide a trivial insulating phase. The topological gap is thereby limited by the strength of SOC. The interplay between strong interactions and strength of SOC is being explored in the contexts of topologically insulating iridates [5] and possibly osmates, but primarily model Hamiltonian treatments have explored (or suggested) the related phase diagram, and none have followed how the phase transition occurs. Witczak-Krempa and collaborators [6] have presented a heuristic phase diagram in which a Chern insulating state borders a (trivial) Mott insulator. However, modeling of the evolution of a realizable system through such a transition is only now being addressed, with an example being the results of Doennig and co-workers [7] of the interplay between SOC and correlation effects in manipulating the competition between Chern and Mott phases in a buckled (111) bilayer of LaFeO 3 in LaAlO 3 . Here we provide a related example for the bulk transition metal oxide and Ising FM BaFe 2 (PO 4 ) 2 (BFPO) whose structure is shown in Fig. 1, of the competition between SOC and strong interaction in creating and then annihilating a high Chern number QAH phase.The QAH phase has been predicted in various artifi-