Recent research accomplishments that elucidate the bonding and reactivity of the actinides are highlighted in this review. Improved syntheses of protactinium and transplutonium metals and Compounds have led to determination of physical properties that reveal effects of 5f interactions. Theimodynamic measurements on metals, aqueous ions, and oxides have yielded more systematic understanding of the chemistry of the entire actinide series. Advances in bonding include the preparation of new organoactinide Compounds with strong a and TT metal-carbon and metal-hydrogen bonds; the development of new actinide complexing, sequestering, and extracting agents; and the study of chemical consequences of radioactive decay on oxides and halides. New techniques that impact actinide chemistry are laser fluorescence and photochemistry, radiocoulometry, and pulse radiolysis. Progress has also been made in outlining the basic chemical behavior of the heaviest actinides and the transactinides.Two isomorphs of ThBr4 are known, the well-known /3-ThBr4 and a low-temperature, poorly-characterized a-ThBr4. Below 92 K, j3-ThBr4 displays Splitting of a Raman Vibration and of a bromine nuclear quadrupole resonance line, and new X-ray and neutron diffraction lines appear [2,7]. These observations are not consistent with any conventional superlattice of the tetragonal unit cell, and are caused by a second-order phase transition in which bromine atoms along the c ciystallographic axis are displaced sinusoidally from their sites with a repeating distance of 3.201 c. This phenomenon is a subject of intense investigation and illustrates how careful measurements on pure, Single ciystals can reveal new scientific ideas.