Symbiotic nitrogen (N) fixing trees are absent from old-growth temperate and boreal ecosystems, even though many of these are N-limited. To explore mechanisms that could select against N fixation in N-limited, old-growth ecosystems, we developed a simple resource-based evolutionary model of N fixation. When there are no costs of N fixation, increasing amounts of N fixation will be selected for until N no longer limits production. However, tradeoffs between N fixation and plant mortality or turnover, plant uptake of available soil N, or N use efficiency (NUE) can select against N fixation in N-limited ecosystems and can thereby maintain N limitation indefinitely (provided that there are losses of plant-unavailable N). Three key traits influence the threshold that determines how large these tradeoffs must be to select against N fixation. A low NUE, high mortality (or turnover) rate and low losses of plant-unavailable N all increase the likelihood that N fixation will be selected against, and a preliminary examination of published data on these parameters shows that these mechanisms, particularly the tradeoff with NUE, are quite feasible in some systems. Although these results are promising, a better characterization of these parameters in multiple ecosystems is necessary to determine whether these mechanisms explain the lack of symbiotic N fixers-and thus the maintenance of N limitation-in old-growth forests. evolutionary ecology ͉ model B iological nitrogen (N) fixation-the conversion of atmospheric N 2 gas to biologically useful N-lies at the heart of one of the most intriguing patterns in terrestrial ecosystem ecology: N is thought to limit net primary production (NPP) in many old-growth temperate and boreal forests, despite the existence of numerous N-fixing bacteria in these biomes. Intuition holds that symbiotic N fixers (a symbiosis between a plant and N-fixing bacteria, hereafter ''N fixers'') should have a competitive advantage when N limits NPP and thus should invade and out-compete nonfixing plants (hereafter ''nonfixers'') in N-limited ecosystems. Newly fixed N from their activity would increase N supply, rendering N limitation a transient phenomenon. Yet N limitation is common in old-growth temperate and boreal forests, where no N fixers exist as canopy trees (1, 2). This paradox suggests two fundamental questions about temperate and boreal forests: (i) Why do N fixers not persist beyond early succession? (ii) Why have no old-growth dominant species evolved N-fixing symbioses?The first of these questions addresses a well documented successional pattern: In temperate and boreal ecosystems, N fixers dominate early primary succession but are replaced during the course of succession by nonfixers, even when N may still limit NPP (3-6). Some recent modeling studies have investigated this question (7-10), as outlined below. The second question has received little attention in the literature (but see ref. 11) but is equally important to explaining the paradox of N limitation. Unlike the successional question,...