Glycinebetaine (GB) is a very important organic osmolyte that accumulates in a number of diverse groups of plants in response to environmental stress. In some plants, increased resistance to drought, salinity and low temperature has been achieved through exogenous application of GB. In this study, the effect of exogenously applied GB (8 mM) on the ability of vinal (Prosopis ruscifolia G.) plants to withstand NaCl stress was investigated. The dry biomass of vinal showed a decrease under salt stress, but in GBtreated plants exposed to the same stress, this reduction was mitigated. Sodium accumulated in the leaves of plants grown under saline conditions, but the addition of GB to salt-grown plants reduced Na + content by 40%. Salinity significantly reduced the K + concentration in leaves to 65% that of non-salinized controls. In the presence of GB, leaf K + was comparatively higher, reaching as much as 90% of the control concentration. The sodium: potassium ratio in leaves was significantly higher in salt-stressed plants, but this ratio was lowered significantly by the addition of GB. When compared to control plants, NaCl stress increased malondialdehyde (MDA) concentrations by 95%, but GB application reduced the MDA concentration in these same NaCl-treated plants. In comparison to control plants, the activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD) increased by 52% in salt-stressed plants. The addition of GB to salttreated plants stimulated SOD activity twice that of the non-salizined control. These results suggest that, in addition to protecting membranes, GB-enhanced salinity tolerance in vinal may involve an antioxidant mechanism involving enhanced SOD activity and improving the ion homeostasis under conditions of high salinity.Key words: lipid peroxidation, salt stress, superoxide dismutase. resUMo glycinabetaine incrementa a tolerância a estresse salino em plântulas de vinal (Prosopis ruscifolia griesbach): Glycinabetaína (GB) é um dos osmólitos orgânicos mais importantes que se acumulam em diversas plantas em resposta a estresses ambientais. Em algumas espécies, o aumento a resistência à seca, salinidade ou baixa temperatura foram conseguidos pela aplicação exógena da GB. Neste estudo foi investigado o efeito de GB aplicado exogenamente (8 mM) na habilidade do vinal (Prosopis ruscifolia Griesbach) para suportar o estresse salino induzido por NaCl. A biomassa seca das plantas diminuiu por efeito do tratamento salino, mas aumentou em plantas tratadas com GB. O Sódio (Na + ) acumulou-se nas folhas das plantas crescidas sob estresse salino, mas a adição do GB às plantas tratadas com NaCl provocou uma diminuição de 40% no conteúdo de Na + . Em comparação às plantas controle, nas plantas tratadas com NaCl observou-se uma redução de 65% no conteúdo de potássio (K + ). Na presença do GB, a concentração de K + nas plantas sob estresse salino foi maior que nas plantas não tratadas com GB. A relação sódio: potássio aumentou significativamente Braz. J. Plant Physiol., 21(3): 233-241, 2009 234 DIEGO A. MELONI and CARLOS A....