Saccharomyces cerevisiae NCYC 366 is susceptible to cold osmotic shock. Exponentially growing cells from batch cultures grown in defined medium at 30 C, after being suspended in 0.8 M mannitol containing 10 mm ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid and then resuspended in ice-cold 0.5 mM MgCl2, accumulated the nonmetabolizable solutes D-glucosamine-hydrochloride and 2-aminoisobutyrate at slower rates than unshocked cells; shocked cells retained their viability. Storage of unshocked batch-grown cells in buffer at 10 C led to an increase in ability to accumulate glucosamine, and further experiments were confined to cells grown in a chemostat under conditions of glucose limitation, thereby obviating the need for storing cells before use. A study was made of the effect of the different stages in the cold osmotic shock procedure, including the osmotic stress, the chelating agent, and the cold Mg2+-containing diluent, on viability and solute-accumulating ability. Growth of shocked cells in defined medium resembled that of unshocked cells; however, in malt extract-yeast extract-glucose-peptone medium, the shocked cells had a longer lag phase of growth and initially grew at a slower rate. Cold osmotic shock caused the release of low-molecular-weight compounds and about 6 to 8% of the cell protein. Neither the cell envelope enzymes, invertase, acid phosphatase and L-leucine-f,-naphthylamidase, nor the cytoplasmic enzyme, alkaline phosphatase, were released when yeast cells were subjected to cold osmotic shock.A number of different shock treatments cause the release from microbial cells of low-and highmolecular-weight compounds, effects which are often accompanied by death of the cells. One of the first shock treatments to be studied in detail was referred to as "cold shock," in which sudden chilling of a dilute suspension of exponential-phase gram-negative bacteria in water or very dilute buffer causes the death of many of the cells (6,9,10,20,34,36,37). Cold shock, which is manifested mainly in gram-negative (36, 37) bacteria, is accompanied by release of intracellular amino acids and nucleotides (36). Cold shock has not been reported in yeasts (20). The main modification to the cold shock treatment has consisted in incubating cells in a hyperosmolar solution of inert solute (e.g. sucrose) containing ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) followed by centrifugation and suspending the cells in cold water containing Mg2+. This treatment has been termed osmotic shock; the earlier literature on it was reviewed by Heppel ( 11). Osmotic shock, which strictly speaking should be referred to as cold osmotic shock (40), resembles cold shock in that it causes release of low-and high-molecular-weight compounds, including periplasmic enzymes, such as acid phosphatase (27) and nucleotidases (23, 24), and certain mem-brane-bound transport proteins (13, 28); however, it does not usually lead to a decrease in the viability of the cell population. Cold osmotic shock has been demonstrated in gram-negative bacteria, especially in members of the En...