Embedment-free electron microscopy images the cytoskeleton and nuclear matrix, which are very difficult to visualize in conventional electron micrographs. However, to be effective, cell structures must be depleted of soluble proteins, which otherwise shroud cell architecture. Nonionic detergents effect this extraction, releasing soluble proteins but also destroying all membranes. Saponin can permeabilize plasma membranes, releasing soluble proteins while preserving many cytoplasmic membranes. Stereoscopic electron microscopy of resinless sections shows the many connections of the cytoskeleton to mitochondrial membranes.The complex morphologies and motilities ofmany cytoplasmic organelles likely reflect tethering to the cytoskeleton. However, little is known of interactions between the cytoskeleton and cytoplasmic membranes since conventional electron microscopy reveals little of their nature. While micrographs of Epon-embedded, ultrathin sections show membranes clearly, the protein networks of the cytoskeleton are invisible. Conversely, embedment-free electron microscopy affords sharp, three-dimensional images of the cytoskeleton of detergentextracted cells but so far has not been useful for cell membranes. We show here a method for visualizing cytoplasmic membranes and their connections to the cytoskeleton.The conventional electron microscope thin section was originally developed expressly for examining cell membranes (1). The similar electron-scattering cross-sections of embedding plastic and specimen preclude image formation. Heavy metal atoms, adhered to the section surface, delineate the specimen but only where it emerges from the plastic. Membranes, with osmium as a mordant for binding metal atoms, intersect the section surface, giving clear, meaningful images. Cytoskeleton fibers, for the most part, do not.In embedment-free electron microscopy, specimens are imaged directly in vacuo (2-4). Freed of embedding plastic, biological elements yield high contrast images with no need for staining. However, the embedment-free specimen must be depleted of soluble proteins, which otherwise shroud the cytoskeleton, confounding images to near uselessness. This is most easily done by extraction with a nonionic detergent, such as Triton X-100, in a physiological buffer (5-7). Membranes are solubilized and soluble proteins simply diff-use away. This simple but powerful technique is well suited to imaging threedimensional structures, which, although invisible in conventional micrographs, afford sharp, well-defined embedmentfree images (7-9). The unembedded cytoskeleton and nuclear matrix have proven remarkably rigid and can even be cut into ultrathin sections without excessive deformation (10-14).We describe an extraction protocol in which saponin, a mild detergent selective for cholesterol (15,16) Cell Extraction and Fixation. Subconfluent cells were pretreated with taxol (5 pug/ml), washed once in phosphatebuffered saline (PBS), and extracted at 40C with cytoskeleton buffer (CSK; 10 mM Pipes, pH 6.8/100 mM NaCI/...