Introduction: Action research (AR) is used in an array of knowledge fields since the 1940's, composing a family of approaches nowadays. We identified fours common principles: participation, process developed as spiral cycles, knowledge building, and practices transformation. Two traditions are historically posed: the Northern, which is more pragmatic and problem solution focused, and the Southern, which is more political and aims social tranformation. The health care field incorporates both traditions, producing researches with a variety of aims and ojectives. This dissertation is anchored in Collective Health and uses the critical epidemiology and the Marxism theory, adopting György Lukács theoretical framework of emancipation. We also incorporated emancipatory education and participatory research methodology propositions. Objective: to build a teoretical and methodological framework of emanciatory action research. Methodological Procedures: This is a methodological dissertation whose steps were: scoping review in order to map primary research in the health care field that used AR, and classification of the results according to the AR fundamental categories; discussion of the emancipatory action research (EAR) fundamental categories, considering the Marxist knowledge production, and conceptualization of EAR methodology in the health care field. Results: we included 124 primary studis in the scoping review. Latin America was the continent with higher number of publications, followed by North America, Europe and Australia; Asia and Africa had few studies comparatively. AR studies were classified in three dimensions: organizational, individual and collective. Latin America's publications used a more democratic and political participation levels and; they are influenced by the Southern AR, producing researches located in the collective dimension, which are related to particular groups' necessities. North America's publications are highly influenced by the Northern AR and based on the Health Promotion; they used precarious participation levels, apiring participants' behaviour change. Europe and Australia's publications are located in the organizational dimension, proposing working environment changes and enhancement, using a diversity of participation levels. AR in the collective dimension includes social groups in the knowledge production process, consolidating political practices beyong individual/family context. We analysed participation and emancipation categories using the Marxism theory and we propose the EAR, which is anchored in the Collective Health perspective. It intends to expose the roots of the health problems through participants' concrete reality, developing criticism about the social determination of the health-disease process, and using emancipatory education as an instrument. Final considerations: Publications located in the organizational and individual dimensions belong to the post positivist and interpetativist paradigms, producing knowledge that enhances the intituted ones. Collective dimension...