Changes in the rates of glucose, lactate and pyruvate production following infusion of glucagon were studied in isolated livers from fed or fasted rats perfused with non-recirculating Krebs-Henseleit bicarbonate buffer.1. Evidence was presented that under these experimental conditions, the release of lactate plus pyruvate into the perfusate represents 80 -90 % of the total glycolytic flux; oxidation of pyruvate derived from glucose and/or glycogen accounts for the remaining 10 -20 %, whereas recycling of pyruvate to glucose is negligible.2. In the presence of glucagon, rates of lactate plus pyruvate production were diminished to less than 30 % in the fed state (glycogen as substrate) and to less than 10 % in the fasted state (glucose as substrate). Rates of pyruvate oxidation were unchanged. Although recycling of pyruvate to glucose was enhanced, it could account for not more than 20 % of the decrease in lactate plus pyruvate production. The data indicate a strong inhibition of the substrate flux through glycolysis.3. The glucagon concentration for half-maximal inhibition of glycolysis was 0.2 nM, independent of the substrate (glucose or glycogen) and the nutritional state. The effective concentrations were within the physiological range of glucagon concentrations reported for portal venous blood.4. Transient state analyses indicated that the inhibition of glycolysis precedes the stimulation of glycogenolysis. When after a delay glycogenolysis was accelerated, it was followed by a transient stimulation of glycolysis. The stimulatory component in the glucagon effect on glycolysis was diminished in glycogen-depleted livers and when glucose was the main substrate. The coordinated control of glycolysis and glycogenolysis by glucagon and the interaction of the two processes in the transient state are discussed.It is well known that glucagon stimulates hepatic glycogenolysis and that this phenomenon is due to a cyclic-AMPmediated activation of enzymes involved in glycogen breakdown [l -31. It was also reported that glucagon, in addition to its long-term effects, causes a rapid inactivation of key enzymes of glycolysis [4-71. Based on these findings, the inhibition of glycolytic flux by glucagon became textbook knowledge. A direct proof, however, was missing until now.In this communication, we describe the dose-response and the kinetics of the short-term effects of glucagon on rates of glycolysis and glycogenolysis in livers from fed and fasted rats. The isolated liver perfused with non-recirculating medium is a suitable model for the study of flux rates. Since metabolites do not accumulate in the perfusate, metabolite rates can be determined directly from the metabolic concentrations in the effluent perfusate. The release of glucose, lactate and pyruvate, therefore, should provide an estimate of rates of carbohydrate degradation. We present evidence that under our experimental Enzymes. Phosphofructokinase or ATP : ~-fructose-6-phosphate 1-phosphotransferase (EC 1); phosphofructokinase 2, PFK2 or ATP : ~-fructo...