Throughout this article we will consider connected orientable surfaces of negative Euler characteristic and of finite topological type, meaning of finite genus and with finitely many boundary components and/or cusps. We will feel free to think about cusps as marked points, punctures or topological ends. Sometimes we will need to make explicit mention of the genus and number of punctures of a surface: in this case, we will write S g,n for the surface of genus g with n punctures and empty boundary. Finally, we define the complexity of a surface X as the number κ(X) = 3g − 3 + p, where g is the genus and p is the number of cusps and boundary components of X.In order to avoid too cumbersome notation, we denote byf is an orientation-preserving homeomorphism fixing pointwise the boundary and each puncture of X the group of orientation-preserving self-homeomorphisms of X relative to the boundary and the set of punctures. We endow Homeo(X) with the compactopen topology, and denote by Homeo 0 (X) the connected component of the identity Id : X → X. It is well-known that Homeo 0 (X) consists of those elements in Homeo(X) that are isotopic to Id : X → X relative to ∂X and the set of punctures of X. The mapping class group Map(X) of X is the group Map(X) = Homeo(X)/ Homeo 0 (X). In the literature, Map(X) is sometimes referred to as the pure mapping class group. We will also need to consider the extended mapping class group Map * (X), i.e. the group of all isotopy classes of self-homeomorphisms of X. Note that if X has r boundary components and n punctures, we have an exact sequencewhere Sym s is the group of permutations of the set with s elements. Let T (X) and M(X) = T (X)/ Map(X) be, respectively, the Teichmüller and moduli spaces of X. The triad formed by Map(X), T (X) and M(X) is often compared with the one formed, for n ≥ 3, by SL n Z, the symmetric space SO n \ SL n R, and the locally symmetric space SO n \ SL n R/ SL n Z.The second author has been partially supported by NSERC Discovery and Accelerator Supplement grants.