Hearts of embryonic mice 9 days in utero were found to have an endogenous source of cholinergic neurons which can survive in dispersed cell cultures. These neurons are electrically excitable, have ultrastructural characteristics of cholinergic embryonic neurons, and functionally innervate heart cells in culture. The nature of the innervation described is muscarinic cholinergic. Studies using combined neuronal and muscle cells in culture promise to provide vital information on specificity of neural connections and on a variety of inductive processes occurring during development. The neural tissue is, most frequently, provided by explants of embryonic spinal cord (e.g., refs. 1-3) or more recently by explants of entire autonomic ganglia (e.g., refs. 4-6). Dispersed cell cultures of embryonic spinal cord (7,8) or of sympathetic neurons (9-11) have proven to be even more fruitful systems for the study of the inductive interaction between neuronal and nonneuronal cells. See also the review by Nelson (12).The present study reports on a source of cholinergic cells, presumed to be parasympathetic ganglionic neurons, derived from hearts of mice 9 days in utero. These neurons grow in a dispersed cell culture, form functional connections with clusters of heart cells, and possibly other neurons, and influence the beat rate of the innervated cardiocytes in vitro via a cholinergic mechanism.MATERIALS AND METHODS Tissue Culture. Cultures were prepared by the method of DeHaan (13). Hearts from a single litter of 9-day in utero mice (NIH Swiss, random-bred) sible. All reagents were allowed to equilibrate in cultures for 10 min at 370 before changes in cardiocyte beat rate were assessed. Beat rates were monitored on a Wild phase-contrast inverted microscope at 450X for 2 min periods at 22°.Carbamylcholine (carbamoylcholine) chloride, atropine sulfate, and d-tubocurarine were obtained from Calbiochem; DL-epinephrine (used as acetate salt) (DL-Epi), DL-propranolol, DL-norepinephrine-HCl (DL-NEpi), scopolamine-HCl, and Bungarus multicinctus crude venom were obtained from Sigma; phentolamine methanesulfonate was obtained from Ciba-Geigy. Nerve growth factor was obtained from Burrows-Wellcome. a-Bungarotoxin was purified from crude venom by the method of Lee et al. (15); 3-quinuclidinyl benzilate (QNB) (16) was obtained from Roche. Tetrodotoxin (TTX) was obtained from Sankyo, Japan.Electrophysiology. Electrophysiological measurements were made as previously described (17). The electrodes used had dc impedances of 80-120 MU. Only even-tapered electrodes with tips beyond the resolution of the light microscope (<0.3 ,um) were used. The electrodes were connected via a capacityneutralized preamplifier (model 701 from WP Instruments, Inc.) equipped with a bridge circuit.Electron Microscopy. Cells were fixed at 2°either in 2.5% glutaraldehyde plus 0.2% OS04 in 66 mM Na-K phosphate buffer (pH = 7.4) (20 min) followed by 2.5% glutaraldehyde for 30 min, or in 1% glutaraldehyde, plus 2% paraformaldehyde in 22 mM Na-K phosphate buffer...