To test the hypothesis that pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH) is differentially regulated in specific human muscles, regulation of PDH was examined in triceps, deltoid, and vastus lateralis at rest and during intense exercise. To elicit considerable glycogen use, subjects performed 30 min of exhaustive arm cycling on two occasions and leg cycling exercise on a third day. Muscle biopsies were obtained from deltoid or triceps on the arm exercise days and from vastus lateralis on the leg cycling day. Resting PDH protein content and phosphorylation on PDH-E1␣ sites 1 and 2 were higher (P Յ 0.05) in vastus lateralis than in triceps and deltoid as was the activity of oxidative enzymes. Net muscle glycogen utilization was similar in vastus lateralis and triceps (Ϸ50%) but less in deltoid (likely reflecting less recruitment of deltoid), while muscle lactate accumulation was Ϸ55% higher (P Յ 0.05) in triceps than vastus lateralis. Exercise induced (P Յ 0.05) dephosphorylation of both PDH-E1␣ site 1 and site 2 in all three muscles, but it was more pronounced at PDH-E1␣ site 1 in triceps than in vastus lateralis (P Յ 0.05). The increase in activity of the active form of PDH (PDHa) after 10 min of exercise was more marked in vastus lateralis (Ϸ246%) than in triceps (Ϸ160%), but when it was related to total PDH-E1␣ protein content, no difference was evident. In conclusion, PDH protein content seems to be related to metabolic enzyme profile, rather than myosin heavy chain composition, and less PDH capacity in triceps is a likely contributing factor to higher lactate accumulation in triceps than in vastus lateralis. pyruvate dehydrogenase; pyruvate dehydrogenase activity; pyruvate dehydrogenase phosphorylation; muscle type ARM AND LEG SKELETAL MUSCLES in humans differ in their metabolic response to exercise. Examples are a larger glucose extraction in arm than in leg muscles and a markedly higher net lactate release at similar relative exercise intensities (1). Moreover, the fatty acid uptake as well as the contribution of lipids for the energy yield are less in the arms (27). Also, the action of insulin appears to be most pronounced in the arm muscles with a larger insulin-stimulated glucose uptake and a further lowering of the free fatty acid (FFA) uptake (19,27). These differences in metabolism comparing arm and leg muscles can hardly be explained by fiber type, blood flow, or oxygen delivery alone, as these variables are quite similar in the muscles of the upper and lower limbs (1). The interest in understanding especially the difference in lactate release is emphasized by lactate being a central player in both cellular and whole body metabolism (12). Training status could play a role, but even in the most well-trained endurance athletes using their arms just as much as their legs, a high dependency of carbohydrates and high lactate production are still observed in the arm muscles (8). This indicates that the difference in metabolic response to exercise between arm and leg muscles could be related to the metabolic profile of th...