Ca2+-activated K+[K(Ca)] channels in resting and activated human peripheral blood T lymphocytes were characterized using simultaneous patch-clamp recording and fura-2 monitoring of cytosolic Ca 2+ concentration, [Ca2+]i . Whole-cell experiments, using EGTA-buffered pipette solutions to raise [CaZ÷]i to 1 p,M, revealed a 25-fold increase in the number of conducting K(Ca) channels per cell, from an average of 20 in resting T cells to > 500 channels per cell in T cell blasts after mitogenic activation. The opening of K(Ca) channels in both whole-cell and inside-out patch experiments was highly sensitive to [Ca2+]i (Hill coefficient of 4, with a midpoint of ~ 300 nM). At optimal [Ca2+]i, the open probability of a K(Ca) channel was 0.3-0.5. K(Ca) channels showed little or no voltage dependence from -100 to 0 inV. Single-channel/-V curves were linear with a unitary conductance of 11 pS in normal Ringer and exhibited modest inward rectification with a unitary conductance of ~35 pS in symmetrical 160 mM K ÷. Permeability ratios, relative to K +, determined from reversal potential measurements were: K + (1.0) > Rb + (0.96) > NH~" (0.17) > Cs ÷ (0.07). Slope conductance ratios were: NH~ (1.2) > K + (1.0) > Rb + (0.6) > Cs ÷ (0.10). Extracellular Cs + or Ba 2+ each induced voltagedependent block of K(Ca) channels, with block increasing at hyperpolarizing potentials in a manner suggesting a site of block 75% across the membrane field from the outside. K(Ca) channels were blocked by tetraethylammonium (TEA) applied externally (Kd = 40 mM), but were unaffected by 10 mM TEA applied inside by pipette perfusion. K(Ca) channels were blocked by charybdotoxin (CTX) with a half-blocking dose of 3-4 nM, but were resistant to block by noxiustoxin (NTX) at 1-100 nM. Unlike K(Ca) channels in Jurkat T cells, the K(Ca) channels of normal resting or activated T cells were not blocked by apamin. We conclude that while K(Ca) and voltage-gated K + channels in the same cells share similarities in ion