The high catalytic reactivity of homoleptic tris(alkyl) lanthanum La{C(SiHMe 2 ) 3 } 3 is highlighted by C À Ob ond cleavage in the hydroboration of esters and epoxides at room temperature.T he catalytic hydroboration tolerates functionality typically susceptible to insertion, reduction, or cleavage reactions.T urnover numbers (TON) up to 10 000 are observed for aliphatic esters.L anthanum hydrides,g enerated by reactions with pinacolborane,a re competent for reduction of ketones but are inert toward esters.Instead, catalytic reduction of esters requires activation of the lanthanum hydride by pinacolborane.Strategies that rely on highly nucleophilic metal hydrides to affect catalytic reduction and C À Ob ond cleavage of unsaturated oxygenates are limited by the stability of the corresponding metal alkoxide intermediates,which impedes regeneration of the metal hydride (Scheme 1A). [1] More reactive catalysts are needed for conversions of inert substrates,s uch as esters and ethers,a nd new mechanisms are needed to ameliorate the thermodynamic barriers associated with breaking strong M À Ob onds.O ne approach that could avoid M À Obond formation involves an activating interaction of the hydride source with the electrophilic catalytic center (Scheme 1B).Pinacolborane (HBpin) is promising in this regard because it generates metal hydrides upon reaction with organometallic compounds,a nd it also forms adducts with nucleophilic metal hydrides. [1, 2] Fore xample,h ydride species Cp* 2 LaH (Cp* = h 5 -C 5 Me 5 )a nd {HC(CMeNDipp) 2 }MgH (Dipp = 2,6-C 6 H 3 iPr 2 )a re proposed catalytic intermediates in ketone,aldehyde,imine,carbodiimide,nitrile,and pyridine hydroborations. [2f, 3] Alternatively,i solable pinacolborohydrides To M Mg{HXBpin} (To M = tris(4,4-dimethyl-2-oxazolinyl)phenylborate;X= H, alkoxide) are proposed in hydroboration of esters,and the postulated mechanism avoids M-O intermediates. [4] In contrast, pinacolborohydride compounds are also proposed as off-cycle states or as precursors to catalyst deactivation. [2f,h, 3c] Early trivalent lanthanide hydrides often provide high catalytic activity. [5] Fore xample,L a{N(SiMe 3 ) 2 } 3 and LaCp 3 , which may provide entry to lanthanum hydrides upon reaction with HBpin, afford highly active catalysts for hydroboration of ketones and aldehydes. [6] While hydroboration of aldehydes and ketones is catalyzed by alarge number of metal complexes, [7] fewer catalysts,m ainly magnesium [2f, 4, 8] and molybdenum compounds, [9] mediate hydroboration of esters. Moreover,h ydroboration of epoxides is uncommon, with reports of only an ickel catalyst (involving C À Oo xidative addition) [10] and an iron catalyst limited to aryl-substituted substrates. [11] In the present contribution, we demonstrate that the easily synthesized tris(alkyl)lanthanum compound La{C-(SiHMe 2 ) 3 } 3 (1) [12] catalyzes the hydroboration of esters and epoxides.W ith 5mol % 1 at room temperature,a lkyl esters, alkyl benzoates,a nd aryl benzoates are reduced to boryl esters.H ydrolysis gives the...