Abstract-Although the importance of protein tyrosine phosphorylation by tyrosine kinases in mitogenic signaling is well-accepted, recent studies also suggest that tyrosine dephosphorylation by protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPases) play an equally important role. For example, both angiotensin II (Ang II) and insulin are known to mediate protein tyrosine phosphorylation and dephosphorylation events. These apparently paradoxical effects of Ang II and insulin suggest that both convergent and divergent intracellular signaling cascades are stimulated downstream of their respective receptors, producing diverse cellular responses. In this review, we discuss the hypothesis that the protein tyrosine phosphatase (PTPase), PTP-1B, plays a central role in Ang II-induced insulin resistance by inhibiting activation of the insulin receptor. We hypothesize that Ang II-induced PTP-1B activation leads to dephosphorylation of the insulin receptor and that this signaling pathway underlies the maladaptive responses observed in diabetic vascular and renal tissue during type II diabetes. Key Words: insulin resistance Ⅲ angiotensin II Ⅲ PTB-1B C ardiovascular and renal complications are the leading causes of morbidity and mortality in patients with diabetes mellitus, and Ang II 1 has been implicated in the pathogenesis of maladaptive growth in both of these end organs. [1][2][3] For example, inhibition of Ang II-induced growth of vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC) and glomerular mesangial cells (GMC) with angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors and Ang II AT 1 receptor blockers (ARB) reduces cardiovascular and renal disease in diabetic patients and animal models. 4,5 High glucose has also been shown to augment Ang II-induced responses, ie, growth, contraction, Ca 2ϩ signaling, and AT 1 receptor density. Furthermore, hyperglycemia is associated with an increased incidence of neointimal hyperplasia (VSMC proliferation) and progression of nephropathy (glomerular mesangial cell [GMC] growth) in patients with diabetes. 6 The AT 1 receptor has been linked to mitogenic signaling cascades (ie, JAK/STAT, p21 ras /Raf-1/ MAP kinase, and PLC-␥1), 7 and investigators and clinicians have been able to prevent VSMC and GMC growth and proliferation by inhibiting many of these Ang II-mediated events using molecular, biochemical, and pharmacological approaches. 8,9 Both ACE inhibitors and ARB are first-line therapeutic agents for the treatment of hypertension in patients with the cardiometabolic syndrome and those with diabetes. Therapy with ACE inhibitors and ARBs reduces microvascular and macrovascular complications in diabetes and appears to improve insulin sensitivity and glucose metabolism. Several recent studies indicate that ACE inhibitor and ARB therapy also reduce the development of type II diabetes in persons with essential hypertension, a population with a high prevalence of insulin resistance. 10 ACE inhibition and ARBs have been shown to improve potential surrogates of chronic cardiovascular disease (eg, vascular compliance, endoth...