Addition of N03-to N-limited Selenastrum minutum during photosynthesis resulted in an immediate drop in the NADPH/NADP ratio and a slower increase of the NADH/NAD ratio. These changes were accompanied by a rapid decrease in glucose-6-phosphate and increase in 6-phosphogluconate, indicating activation of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase and a role for the oxidation pentose phosphate pathway during photosynthetic N03 assimilation. In contrast, the short-term changes in pyridine nucleotides and metabolites during photosynthetic assimilation of NH4' were not consistent with a stimulation of the oxidative pentose phosphate pathway.electron transport has been shown to be insufficient to supply NO3-assimilation by N-limited S. minutum, and a role for respiration to supply some of this reductive potential has been proposed (24).We have now examined the pyridine nucleotides and two metabolites, G6P and 6PG, to evaluate the potential role of OPP in providing reducing power to N assimilation by S. minutum in the light. Our results suggest that under conditions where the demand for reductive power exceeds that of photosynthetic electron transport, the OPP may be activated in the light to contribute NADPH.
MATERIALS AND METHODSUnicellular algae grown under N limitation respire starch during the assimilation of added NH4' and NO3-in both the dark and the light (1,15,17,24). The physiological and biochemical responses to N resupply have been extensively characterized using N-limited Selenastrum minutum (19, 20, and references within). Recently, we reported the changes in the pyridine nucleotides and key metabolites in N-limited S. minutum upon N resupply in the dark, which indicated that during NH4' assimilation, starch is initially respired to provide carbon skeletons and energy for synthesis of amino acids, whereas the initial requirement of NO3-assimilation is electrons to reduce NO3-to NH4' (23). Provision of electrons in the dark was facilitated by the production of NADPH via activation of carbon flow through the OPP3 pathway (23), a pathway that exists in both a chloroplastic and cytosolic form (10, 16).In light, respiratory CO2 release is higher during NO3-assimilation than during NH4' assimilation (24). Photosynthetic electron transport provides reductive energy for N03-assimilation (11, 12, 18) Cultures of the green alga Selenastrum minutum (Naeg.) Collins (UTEX 2459) were maintained under N limitation as previously described (22). Experiments were performed and analyzed as detailed by Vanlerberghe et al. (23) with the following modifications. Cells were concentrated to 5 jig Chl. mL-1 and were incubated in continuous light sufficient to saturate photosynthesis (approximately 400 ,umol quanta m-2 s-at the face of the sampling cuvette) until injection into the appropriate kill solution. After Speed-Vac concentration, samples were brought to 500 AL with distilled H20.Samples for G6P and 6PG were killed and extracted as previously described (21). All samples were stored in liquid N2.