Addition of the ionophore monensin to mouse neuroblastoma-rat glioma hybrid NG108-15 cells leads to a 20 to 30-mV increase in the electrical potential across the plasma membrane as shown by direct intracellular recording techniques and by distribution studies with the lipophilic cation 13H-tetraphenylphosphoniumt (TPP+) [Lichtshtein, D., Kaback, H. R. & Blume, A. J. (1979) Proc. NatL Acad. Sci. USA 76, 650-6541.The effect is not observed with cells suspended in high K medium, is dependent upon the presence of Na+ externally, and the concentration of monensin that induces half-maximal stimulation of TPP+ accumulation is approximately 1 pM. The ionophore also causes rapid influx of Na+, a transient increase in intracellular pH, and a decrease in extracellular pH, all of which are consistent with the known ability of monensin to catalyze the transmembrane exchange of H+ for Na+. Although ouabain has no immediate effect on the membrane potential, the cardiac glycoside completely blocks the increase in TPP+ accumulation observed in the presence of monensin. Thus, the hyperpolarizing effect of monensin is mediated apparently by an increase in intracellular Na+ that acts to stimulate the electrogenic activity of the Na+,K+-ATPase. Because monensin stimulates TPP± accumulation in a number of other cultured cell lines in addition to NG10815, the techniques described may be of general use for studying the Na+,K+ pump and its regulation' in situ.The Na+,K+-activated ATPase (Na+,K+'pump) (ATP phosphohydrolase, EC is present in the membranes of excitable (1) and nonexcitable (2-4) tissues and represents a major pathway for Na+ and K+ transport across the plasma membrane of eukaryotic cells. Moreover, hydrolysis of ATP by this membranous enzyme is often accompanied by the simultaneous movement of three equivalents of Na+ out and two equivalents of K+ into the cell. This inequality in ion movements confers an electrogenic activity to the enzyme. That is, its activity results in the net outward movement of a positive current, which may lead to the generation of a membrane potential (AI, interior negative).Although the resting Az in nerve is due primarily to a K+ diffusion gradient ([K+Iin > [K+Iout), electrogenic Na+,K+-ATPase activity makes a contribution to A+I in certain cells (5, 6). Moreover, enhanced activity of the pump may have important consequences, because hyperpolarization will result. Presynaptically, this will lead to reduced transmitter release and postsynaptically, to decreased sensitivity to excitatory synaptic stimulation.Evidence has been presented indicating that the activity (7, 8) and coupling ratio-i.e., Na+ efflux/K+ influx (9, 10)-of the Na+,K+-ATPase are not constant, but are subject to regulation. In liver cells, for example, catecholamines, prostaglandin E1, and glucagon inhibit the Na+,K+ pump in a manner that is blocked by insulin, and these effects are related to changes in the intracellular concentration of cyclic AMP (11-13). In contrast, in frog skeletal muscle (14), rat s...