Adaptation to the environment during development influences the life-long survival of an animal. While brain-wide proteomic changes are expected to underlie such experience-driven physiological and behavioral flexibility, a comprehensive overview of the nature and extent of the proteomic regulation following an environmental challenge during development is currently lacking. In this study, the brain proteome of larval zebrafish is identified and it is determined how it is altered by an exposure to a natural and physical environmental challenge, namely prolonged exposure to strong water currents. A comprehensive larval zebrafish brain proteome is presented here. Furthermore, 57 proteins that are regulated by the exposure to an environmental challenge are identified, which cover multiple functions including neuronal plasticity, the stress response, axonal growth and guidance, spatial learning, and energy metabolism. These represent candidate proteins that may play crucial roles for the adaption to an environmental challenge during development.The ability of animals to adapt to local environments is key to survival. In all cells, including neurons, proteins are responsible for most cellular functions and responses to internal and external perturbations. The importance of successful adaptation to an environment is especially pronounced during early development. Early experiences may affect brain development resulting in long lasting physiological and behavioral modifications. The